Rose Doherty

Recent posts by Rose Doherty

11 min read

What is VDI?

By Rose Doherty on 6/4/20 3:06 PM

VDI is a proven solution for IT Managers that are trying to lock down IT security when enabling a remote workforce.

Topics: VDI What is vdi virtual desktop infrastructure virtual desktop desktop virtualization cloud desktops
7 min read

What is Microsoft 365?

By Rose Doherty on 4/27/20 3:48 PM

On April 21, 2021 Microsoft changed the name of its popular Office 365 Small Business plans to Microsoft 365, leaving many businesses wondering what this means for them. We have summarized everything you need to know about the changes to the Microsoft 365 Plans, including new plan names, what each plan includes and the benefits of the Microsoft 365 Premium Plan. 

Topics: Microsoft 365
6 min read

Top 6 Benefits of Office 365 for Business

By Rose Doherty on 1/2/19 9:01 AM

Business Owners need to figure out how to use technology to stay relevant in a rapidly changing, modern workplace. Following is a list of the 2019 Top 6 benefits of Office 365 for Business, as well as the most compelling reasons that Office 365 for Business now has over 155 Million users at the end of 2018, and millions more adopting this suite of business productivity apps every month. 

Topics: office 365 benefits benefits of office 365 Office 365 for Business office 365 benefits for business what are the benefits of office 365 benefits of office 365 for business
3 min read

15 Lessons Learned from a HIPAA Data Breach

By Rose Doherty on 7/25/18 1:14 PM

Implementing a strong HIPAA Compliance framework is a requirement for all Covered Entities and Business Associates, but many practices don't realize this is also their best strategy to prevent a breach from happening!   My hope is that understanding what the OCR will ask you for after a Data Breach will help you implement an IT security framework that will reduce your chances of ever experiencing a data breach.  

Topics: HIPAA Compliance Data Security IT Security cybersecurity ePHI Security HIPAA Risk Analysis
4 min read

3 Reasons to Implement a Corporate Owned Device Policy

By Rose Doherty on 6/19/18 8:15 AM

The AP reported that a team-issued iPad was stolen from the car of a Chicago Bears Rookie, and the Bears Playbook was on the iPad!  Fortunately, the Bears Organization had implemented a corporate owned device  policy, which allowed the IT Department to take control fast.

Topics: Mobile Device Management cybersecurity corporate owned device policy byod cybersecurity plan
3 min read

Microsoft and TruGrid Announce Remote Desktop Licensing Agreement

By Rose Doherty on 4/6/18 11:31 AM

Microsoft Corp. and TruGrid (N.E. Desktop Software, Inc.) announced on April 3, 2018 that they have entered into a license agreement to enable access to Microsoft's Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) technology for TruGrid's Simple & Secure Workspace, hosted in Microsoft Azure. 

Topics: cybersecurity cloud security Secure remote access Protect your data in the cloud TruGrid Remote access security
6 min read

8 Tips from the OCR to Prevent a Phishing Attack

By Rose Doherty on 3/14/18 1:23 PM

Phishing remains one of the most successful tactics used by hackers to steal sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details. In phishing attacks, cyber-criminals disguise emails to make the recipient think it is from someone they trust, and  The Department of Homeland Security warns that 97% of people can not identify a phishing attempt. Read the following IT security tips from the OCR to learn the best cybersecurity strategies to prevent a phishing attack.  

Topics: IT Security cybersecurity strategies prevent a phishing attack cybersecurity cybersecurity tips
2 min read

IntelliSuite Named a Top Office 365 Solution Providers

By Rose Doherty on 8/12/17 9:29 AM

Microsoft recently surpassed 85 Million business users on the Office 365 platform, and it appears there is no end in site. Office 365 offers many benefits to businesses, including collaboration tools, built in security and compliance features, and automatic updates. What's the catch?  

Topics: Office 365 setup Office 365 migration Office 365 Consultant Office 365 Provider office 365 solution provider Microsoft partner
5 min read

What is SharePoint Online?

By Rose Doherty on 6/21/17 3:10 PM

SharePoint Online is a robust document storage, sharing, and communication tool that, until Office 365, was only practical for Enterprise organizations.  Today, SharePoint is included in most Office 365 Business plans, expanding into the small and mid-size business market for the first time.  SharePoint is the solution to many common business challenges, and is paying off for organizations worldwide.

Topics: Increase Productivity Office 365 for Business Microsoft Office 365 What is SharePoint? SharePoint What is Sharepoint Online? Document management solution Collaboration solution centralized document library
2 min read

What is OneDrive for Business?

By Rose Doherty on 4/5/17 8:00 AM

OneDrive For Business is  one of the best productivity tools your business can invest in.  It provides a central location to securely store everything in your work life, and provides the modern productivity tools that will take employee productivity to a whole new level.  

Topics: Microsoft Cloud Microsoft OneDrive for Business OneDrive One Drive for Business Increase Productivity OneDrive for Business Office 365 for Business Microsoft Office 365
2 min read

What is Office 365 for Business?

By Rose Doherty on 3/6/17 10:32 AM

Many businesses today are looking for solutions to help run their company more efficiently and effectively. However, there may be a resource that is available that you have not considered: Office 365 for Business.

Topics: benefits of office 365 what is office 365 upgrade to office 365 Office 365 for Business
3 min read

3 Key Benefits of Exchange Online for Business

By Rose Doherty on 7/11/16 8:00 AM

It is estimated that the average employee receives 147 emails a day and spends 13 hours a week reading and sending email.  How can Office 365 Exchange Online help today's workforce to increase productivity despite the increasing volumes of communication?  Read on to learn 3 key benefits of Exchange Online that are modernizing businesses and increasing employee productivity.

Topics: office 365 benefits benefits of office 365 what is office 365 upgrade to office 365
3 min read

Encryption Could Have Prevented Data Breach

By Rose Doherty on 2/9/16 3:27 PM

Encryption Could Have Prevented Centene's Data Breach of 950,000 Patient Records

Encrypted Devices with PHI can be lost or stolen and it is not considered a Data Breach.  Encryption is like a Get Out of Jail Free Card!  Health Insurance credentials sell for $20 each on the black market, but when supplemented with personally identifiable information (PII) such as birth date, place of birth, social security number, it can yield over $1000 per record.  These are scary times, and Centene, a St. louis based health insurer is the latest victim of a data breach that will make your head spin.  The worst part is that it could have been easily prevented with one simple and inexpensive security measure.

Topics: HIPAA Compliance Data Security
3 min read

15 Things the OCR Will Ask For After a Breach.

By Rose Doherty on 1/6/16 3:00 PM

Implementing a strong HIPAA Compliance framework is your best plan to prevent a breach. Understanding what the OCR will ask you for in the event of a Data Breach, and preparing all of this documentation ahead of time will give you a very good head start on HIPAA Compliance and may just prevent you from experiencing a breach.

Topics: HIPAA Compliance
2 min read

What is a Business Associate?

By Rose Doherty on 1/4/16 1:55 PM

The HIPAA Privacy Rule allows covered entities and health plans to disclose protected health information (PHI) to business associates, but only if the business associate signs a Business Associate Agreement in which it assures that it will appropriately safeguard the PHI it receives or creates on behalf of the covered entity.  So, which of your vendors need to sign a B.A. Agreement?  Here is a helpful list of vendors that need to sign your Business Associates Agreement.  You may be surprised!

Topics: HIPAA Compliance
2 min read

Cyber-Security Requires Training Employees

By Rose Doherty on 12/14/15 8:00 AM

Hackers are getting more sophisticated every day, and the ways they lure you to give them access to your computer are downright devious.  It is important that all employees are aware of these simple rules that will help prevent intruders from accessing your computer network. 

Topics: Security HIPAA Compliance Internet Security IT Security