Case Stories - Citrix Consulting - IT Consulting

Private Cloud BYOD Solution

Written by Rose Doherty | Apr 03, 2018 06:41 AM

Private Cloud VDI provides secure BYOD solution to top consulting firm

The Client: One of the Top US Consulting Firms

Client Needs: Private Cloud BYOD Solution


The Challenge:

The Client wanted to allow employees and contractors to utilize the most appropriate personal or corporate endpoints (PC, Mac, Smart Phones, Tablets, etc.) to access approved software and content stored securely in a private cloud.


The Intellisuite Citrix Solution:

Develop a flexible computing model enabled by the use of virtualization technology to achieve device independence.

To meet the stated objectives, we successfully implemented a 5-month proof of concept focused on the following deliverables:

  •  Use Cases – Worked with Client to develop use cases that meet the corporate vision.
  • Technology – Assisted Client with the following technology implementation:
    • Used security guidelines provided by client to determine endpoints that meet corporate vision (devices using Windows, Linux, Apple, Apple IOS, Android OS, etc.)
    • Analyzed available virtualization technologies and selected those that support approved endpoints (Microsoft Hyper-V, VMWare vSphere, and Citrix XenDesktop)
    • Used approved virtualization technologies to create private clouds in two data centers (US and India), for end users in US, Europe, Japan, and India
  • Support – Provided infrastructure support during the PoC
  • Documentation, Analysis, and Report – Documented the environment. Analyzed findings. Assisted with budget for production implementation.
  • Training and Knowledge Transfer – Provided training and knowledge transfer to internal staff in order to maintain the PoC infrastructure as production is planned.

Business Results: 

IntelliSuite designed and tested a  Private Cloud VDI solution utilizing Citrix to provide a secure BYOD Solution to the client.  The firm was able to vastly improve information security by locking down the environment including disabling drive mapping to assure all data remains on the server and can not be transferred to the endpoint.  This allowed the company to achieve their security and compliance objectives, while enabling the client to implement a policy allowing remote workers and contract workers to use personal devices without any concerns about security.   Cost saving  objectives were met  by providing employees with a stipend to purchase a laptop of their choosing to use for business instead of having to purchase a full laptop every 3-5 years and have IT handle the maintenance tasks. With regular laptop and PC refresh cycles and upgrade costs now a thing of the past, the client dramatically improved there ROI of implementing a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure environment to deliver  virtual desktops in their secure private cloud.  The client reported that their Citrix VDI environment put an end to data leaks and the were very satisfied with the the robust security that came with the centralized management of applications and data in their new VDI environment. 

Technologies used:

XenApp  and XenDesktop , Hyper-V,  VMWare VSphere , Windows Server  with Active Directory Services, Provisioning Services, Windows Group Policy Objects, Web Interface , Citrix EdgeSight, and Citrix Profile Management Services (UPM).